天津一大学考题现“性别歧视” 校方:符合规范
关键字: 天津城建大学性别歧视阅读理解取悦男性性别平等据天津日报微信公众号“新闻117”12月25日报道,12月21日,天津城建大学学生在微博上爆料称,该校面向2015级全体本科生的公共英语考试试卷中,出现了涉及“性别歧视”的阅读理解题,她们认为:文章直白地表达了女性应该如何改变自己以取悦成为男人的理想型,在两性相处中保持一个让男人感到简单、舒适、不用做任何事的关系,从而让男性求婚好把自己嫁出去。该校女生认为这样的考题令人不适,性别平等应该是教育者的必修课,并希望学校给2015级全体参加英语考试的女生一个道歉。
A man will propose only when you have met certain criteria in his mind that has to do with the ideal image of what he looks for in a woman.
If you have been dating your man for a while and he has not come to that tipping point, it could be because you are not being that "ideal" image so he's comfortable with your relationship but don't seem eager to take it further.
You do not want to be a waiter girlfriend. You know the kind of woman who sits around and give a man everything he wants like moving in together, sleeping with him, spending all of your time with him, buying him gifts, acting like his wife but not having the ring.
You want to be the kind of woman who compels a man to want you forever by making it seem like it was his idea to have a long-term commitment. But how do you go about making it seem like commitment is his idea.
You plant a seed in his mind- but not by the things you say, but by your behavior. He'll look at your behavior and judge it against ALL the other women he has been with. If you stand par excellence, way above the others, he'll think that he's found his dream woman.
You must ask yourself if you need a serious attitude adjustment. Are you a happy woman? Are you easy to be around? Are you laid back? Does he laugh a lot when he's around you? Do you have goals? Are you passionate about certain causes?
These are just some of the things a man think about when he's thinking long-term. He wants an easy relationship not something that requires "work" but a relationship that has a natural ebb and flow that adds to his life in a BIG way.
- 原标题:【女生炸了】天津城建大学考题现“性别歧视”校方认为无不妥
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