关键字: 消费率推动消费生活水平经济增长投资水平资源再分配主流经济学GDP罗思义朱天张军如何提高生活水平,经济学术语就是如何推动消费,是中国和世界每个经济体面临的难题。投资、技术和其他因素都只是实现它的技术手段而已。
英文原文:How to improve living standards, in economic terms how to raise consumption, is the most important question in China and every economy. Investment, technology and other issues are only technical means to achieve this.
In the past period it has therefore been a potential problem that an elementary, but crucial, error on consumption affected China’s economic discussion. As this is being corrected it is important to clarify the high stakes involved. Before outlining the strictly economic issues their practical implications for China’s living standards and economic growth will be shown.
Both statistics and economic theory show that economic growth is the only sustainable way to increase living standards. World Bank data shows on average any increase in GDP creates an increase in consumption 87% as large. Nothing else even remotely approaches this in raising living standards.
For China this is crucial. At its creation in 1949 New China inherited from its predecessors one of the world’s poorest living standards. So low was the starting point that despite China achieving the fastest economic growth in human history, raising itself from a poor to a middle income country by international classifications, China’s consumption per person remains behind advanced economies. To reach the most advanced economies living standards China must grow rapidly for decades.
It is easy to show there is no substitute for this. World Bank figures for 2010, the latest available data, shows China’s average consumption per person was $2,064. The US figure was $41,320. Certainly this market exchange rate data is distorted. Average prices in China are 42% lower than the US. But even if a correction is made for this, utilizing ‘parity purchasing powers’, and China’s consumption is adjusted upwards by this amount, China’s consumption per person is still only equivalent to $3,522 in US terms - 9% of US levels.
No redistribution of China’s existing resources can close this gap. Even if the wholly unrealistic assumption is made that all China’s GDP is consumed, no resources are used for investment, then in price adjusted terms China’s consumption per person is only 18% of US levels. Only prolonged economic growth can bring China up to advanced economy living standards.
Actually the proposal that China should not invest, and redistribute all income into consumption, would clearly make the situation worse. Existing capital equipment would rapidly wear out, output would rapidly decline and living standards collapse. China can grow only by investing.
More precisely econometrics shows investment accounts for over 50% of economic growth. China’s economy can grow fast only because it has a high investment level. Significantly reducing this, by redirecting resources into consumption, would make China grow less rapidly. As economic growth is the main driver of rising consumption reducing investment, over anything except the short term, would therefore make China’s living standards rise more slowly.
The basic arithmetic is that over the last five years China had to invest 4% of GDP for its economy to grow by 1%. This is very efficient by major economy standards – even before the financial crisis the US had to invest 7% of GDP to grow by 1% and its position has subsequently deteriorated. Consequently for every 4% of GDP China’s percentage of investment in GDP is reduced its economy will slow by 1%. Given economic growth is the main driver of consumption increase this effect of slower GDP growth soon more than cancels out an initial boost to consumption from transferring resources from investment. Therefore, after an initial increase, cutting investment leads to consumption being lower than it would have been.
To illustrate this consider if 4% or 8% of China’s GDP is shifted from investment to consumption. In the first case China’s GDP growth would slow by 1% a year and in the second by 2% a year. The initial boost to consumption from the transfer of resources after 10 years is overtaken by the effect of slower economic growth. After that consumption would actually be lower than if the shift had not taken place. In the case where 8% of GDP is shifted to consumption, after 20 years China’s consumption would be 20% lower than if the shift from investment to consumption had not occurred. What happens is shown in the chart below.
But China’s economy must grow rapidly for far more than 10 years to reach advanced economy living standards. Consequently, long before it reached the living standards of the most advanced economies, shifting resources from investment to consumption would lead to China having lower consumption and living standards than if no such shift took place.
Some US neo-cons understand that cutting China’s investment level would slow its economy – therefore they advocate it in order to maintain US superiority. But some Chinese economists mistakenly fell into the confusion of calling for a major cut in investment, and increase in the percentage of consumption in China’s GDP, to try to increase living standards. In technical economic terms maximizing consumption’s growth rate, which is key to determining how fast living standards rise, was confused with raising the percentage of consumption in GDP. Actually this error, for reasons outlined, would lead to the opposite of the intention and China’s consumption would be lower than possible.
Fortunately such confusions are being sorted out. One of China’s most famous economists, Lin Yifu, former Chief Economist and Vice-President of the World Bank, has stressed investment based programs are more effective than those based on consumption. Jun Zhang of Fudan University and Tian Zhu of the China Europe International Business School recently wrote a notable article for the Financial Times noting: ‘Low consumption means high savings levels, which makes high investment possible… these are among the most important factors behind China’s rapid economic growth. From 1990 to 2010, GDP grew at an average of almost 10.5 per cent a year, while consumption grew at 8.6 per cent… when the world average was less than 3 per cent.’ They rightly concluded: ‘It may sound paradoxical, but China’s relatively low consumption rate is one reason the growth in the rate of its consumption has been so high.’
This present author has previously looked at why this apparently theoretical economic issue has huge practical implications for China’s economic growth and living standards. It is therefore encouraging for the medium and long term strength of China’s economy that the recent practical speeding up of economic growth is being accompanied by more clarity on key strategic issues.
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- 责任编辑:冰焰
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